Music Sphere (3D Playlist)

Music sphere allows you to place tracks, subtracks, radios, playlists, emotions and attributes on 3D area, where you can easily access them. When you double-click on item, playback starts automatically. When you double-click on emotion or attribute, internal playlist containing such tracks and subtracks will be generated and played.

User interface

Music Sphere window

Selecting and manipulating objects

You can select objects in a standard way (selecting by mouse), using CTRL key to add objects to current selection. It is not possible to move objects within music sphere. You can rotate the music sphere by holding MIDDLE mouse button.

Adding objects

To add objects, you drag them from music commander or playlists (tracks, subtracks, radios, tabs, playlists) or you can add them by buttons (emotions and attributes).

For Music Sphere configuration, see Options :: Boards.

See also Music Board.

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