Options :: Debug

These settings allow you to use debugging / special features.

Classic version is required to display this tab.

User interface

Options :: Debug

Mouse wheel step

This value is used for mouse wheel. For example when you use it in playlist window, one rotation position will scroll defined number of rows.

Default: 3

Note: also negative value can be used.

Note: this value is also used when changing volume by mouse wheel or by arrow up / down keys.

Docking distance

This value is used when docking forms. When a form is being moved, it is docked automatically to another form or screen border, when the distance is less than defined value. Docking option must be turned on. See Options :: Custom.

Default: 12

Show all GUI elements frames

When checked, all GUI elements are marked by rectangles using specified color.

Default: false

Show actual GUI element frame

When checked, actual GUI element (mouseover) is marked by rectangle using specified color.

Default: false

Note: these colors are independent from color schemes.

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